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Primary and Nursery School

‘A pathway to grow, be curious and discover’

Growing Up Online Workshop

Yesterday we hosted a Year 5 and 6 'Growing Up Online' workshop was a great success. 76 people attended in total ...10 mums, 5 school staff (incl. 1 dad) and 60 children.

Here is some of the great feedback that was received :
"Very informative and a helpful reminder with lots of practical advice and links to resources – really important to keep up to date."
"Very good. I’m so glad I came. I learnt a lot I can use at home with the kids"...
"Excellent workshop – made me think about what my child actually does on the internet. Great idea to have children present so they can understand it’s not just us parents being over-protective. Looking forward to a family discussion later."
"Very informative, eye opening and thought provoking. Thank you."
"Quite informative regarding websites. Most of cyber resources are already in place in our house."
"Very helpful – good ideas to put into practice at home."
"Very interesting for both adults and children. Very informative. Quite eye opening to the range of content that’s easily accessible. Before the presentation I knew nothing of these safety websites."
