Welcome to the Summer Term 2024
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Primary and Nursery School

‘A pathway to grow, be curious and discover’


Welcome to Nursery



We are looking forward to an exciting new term in Nursery. Learning is through play and we will continue to provide a wide range of activities to develop the children's skills and knowledge and to encourage their curiosity and independence. 


Learning is planned through exciting topics. This half term our topics are 'Holidays/Under the Sea'. We are thinking and learning about different types of holidays, sea creatures and their habitat. We will be reading lots of stories and singing songs linked to the topic. We also plan from the children’s interests and what they want to learn and find out about. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom.


Keep checking the web page to see our exciting news, photos and amazing learning.


The nursery team are Mrs Spillman, Miss Lumley and Mrs Harrison

Summer term nursery newsletter

Nursery Curriculum Plan

Summer Term 

We have had lots of fun exploring the Reception classroom and outdoors area to support the children's transition.

We had doctors, artists, bakers and other professions in nursery for 'Dress as your future self day'.

Celebrating World Cultural Diversity Day.

We loved our minibeast hunt and searching for different insects and invertebrates. We found spiders, snails, centipedes and lots of other minibeasts.

Nursery have enjoyed developing their gross motor skills in their PE lessons and in the nursery garden.

We have been doing lots of planting in our garden and we also planted beans and are watering them to help them grow.

Nursery have been learning how to keep their teeth clean and healthy.

Spring Term 

A week learning about Easter and how it's celebrated. We painted eggs, visited St John's church for the Easter service, had an Easter egg hunt and tasted hot cross buns.

We planted our 'chitted' potatoes in a big sack and watered them to help them grow. We also found lots of snails hiding in the sack!

We have been learning about the different parts of a flower and painted our own sunflowers.

Nursery have been so excited to watch the ducklings hatch and grow.

We had a wonderful World Book Day!

We have been growing cress seeds. We have loved watering them and watching them grow.

Love for Learning Day - Nursery and Year 3 shared their work and learning which they are proud of.

To celebrate Chinese New Year, nursery learnt about traditions, tasted Chinese food, created a Chinese dragon and performed a dragon dance.

We have been doing lots of mark making with chalks in the nursery garden.

We have loved reading Dear Zoo and painting our favourite animals from the story.

We have been reading the story 'Owl Babies' and re-telling the story. We also created owl babies using different materials.

Nursery have loved finding ice in the garden so we froze minibeasts in ice and explored different ways to melt or break the ice to free the minibeats.

Autumn Term 

Nursery had a very special visitor!

We had so much fun at our Christmas party!

Nursery have enjoyed riding on the balance bikes, scooters and tricycles to build their gross motor skills.

We have been sharing and talking about our favourite books from home.

We dressed up for Children in Need.

Maths Week 2023.

In nursery, we've learnt about what Remembrance Day is, the significance of poppies and the children enjoyed making stained glass poppies and painting poppies.

This week we have been exploring pumpkins, making pumpkin soup and cutting and size ordering pumpkins.

We decorated biscuits and created faces.

Nursery have been doing lots of mark making using different materials and resources.

We have been learning about Autumn. We painted Autumn leaves on a tree using cotton buds to build our finger strength.

We went for a walk to see the outside of our new classroom and garden area. We enjoyed looking at the digger and trucks!

Nursery dressed up for Rock Star Day

We have been learning about 'ourselves' and body parts. The children have been drawing self-portraits.
