Welcome to the Autumn Term 2024-2025
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Primary and Nursery School

‘A pathway to grow, be curious and discover’

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


The Year 2 team consists of Mrs Isaac (Mon to Thu),

Mrs Tolervey (Fri), Ms Watts, Miss Spear and Mrs Brewis.

We are all looking forward to an exciting and fun filled term!

Year 2 Meet and Greet

Year 2 Recommended Reads


Music - playing the melody of 'Tony Chestnut' on a tuned percussion instrument (Xylophone).

PE - developing co-ordination and combining jumps French skipping using the rhyme 'England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, inside, outside, inside, on'.

Another aspirational assembly, from Homerswood's own Paralympian, Louise Fiddes

Maths - regrouping 10 ones for a stick of ten.

Harvest Celebrations

Assembly with Paralympian Grace Harvey - SB5 100m Breaststroke Gold Medal Paris 2024

Maths - Regrouping ten 1p coins for a 10p coin.

All settled for our first day in Year 2.


PE - Working on our team building skills

Maths - exploring the properties of 3D shapes.

History - using objects as a source to find out about a person in the past.

RE - We have been learning about the special Muslim festival 'Eid Al-Adha'. Today we played a board game to test our knowledge!

FUDGE Morning - A busy morning of building challenges, sports and crafts! We saw some amazing creativity and imaginative ideas today. Thank you to all the adults who were able to celebrate with us today!

Computing - exploring, editing and combining sounds using 2Sequence.

Sports Week - Fencing taster session

Maths - using Cuisenaire rods to explore the equivalence of halves and quarters.

Global Eco Concert to celebrate Earth Day.

English - gather notes and sort out information from a report text.


Mastering Number - 3 in a row doubles.

DT - Making a fairground wheel with moving parts

RE - Retelling the main events in the Easter story

Planetarium today.

Visiting the ducks in Reception.

Science Week Assembly with Selina.

GLAM Morning - A morning full of crafts and activities to celebrate Mother's Day. Thank you to all of the grown ups who were able to attend

Visiting Year 6 to share our favourite books for World Book Day

Maths - Exploring multiples and multiplication

English - re-telling a familiar story with events in sequence.

Art - Our animal collages using painted, textured paper. We finally added detail using oil pastels. We are so proud of how amazing they are!

Visiting Year 6 to share our favourite work for 'Love for Learning' Day

Geography - using the Atlas to name and locate the four countries and capital cities that make up the UK.

Happy Chinese New Year! We made our own spiral dragons to celebrate!

Science - Using clay to represent the lifecycle of a butterfly.

Year 5 visited us to read their recounts of famous people around the world! Thank you, Year 5!

Safer Internet Day

Visit from the author Su Murley, who wrote the book 'Shirley Murley'.

As part of Children's Mental Health Week, today we took part in a Yoga Session.

Computing - using yes/no questions to separate information.

PE - developing an awareness of strength when completing yoga poses.

Art - Colour mixing using primary colours to make secondary colours

Geography - exploring which local shops sell food.


Year 2 Meet and Greet

Making Christingles and writing Christmas wishes at St John's Church.

We are so proud of our Year 1 and 2 classes for their Christmas performance of 'I'm Gonna Shine'. You all performed amazingly! As a result of their hard work, we decided that the whole class should be our 'Star's of the Week' this week! Well done!

PE - Knightsfield Sports leaders taught us a fun multisports session!

We had a wonderful day wearing spots and PJ'S for Children in Need today!

Maths - Taking part in the TTRS 'England Rocks' competition as part of our maths week!

Votes for Schools - deciding if problems are a falling out or bullying.

DT - Exploring strength in different structures

Maths - Order and comparing quantities for measures

Active Blast - The Monster Mash

Art - Applying understanding of tone to create 3D drawings of the solar system using colourful pastels and chalks.

PE - developing co-ordination and combining jumping.

PE - Dribbling a ball with control

Harvest at St John's

Our physical healthy habit is to complete an Active Blast everyday, here's us dancing to Dance Monkey today.

Geography - exploring the four seasons in the UK.

Mastering Number - exploring our new Maths equipment. The rekenrek, a counting frame similar to an abacus. It has ten beads on each row, five white and five red which support the development of number sense.

Science - We have been exploring the importance of a balanced, healthy diet and what this looks like within the five main food groups.

Geography - discussing why weather changes, and that there are different types of wind which bring about these changes.

English - As a school, we have been exploring the fable story 'The Fate of Fausto' by Oliver Jeffers. Today, we paired with Year 4 to share our writing of our very own version based on this story.

Rockstar Day!! We had an awesome day celebrating the relaunch of Times Table Rockstars!

Outdoor Learning - exploring the wooded area by going on a scavenger hunt.

Art - Exploring different textures using chalk and pastels.

Maths - using counters to show how numbers can be grouped so that the total can be subitised (known without counting)

First day, done and dusted!
