Welcome to Reception!
We are excited about our journey together this year. We are looking forward to a great adventure to be curious, discover and grow. In Reception, we are already busy discovering our environment both inside and out. We are getting to know the routines and making friends.
Team Reception
Mrs Cain, Miss Lumley, Mrs Brewis, Mrs Walsh, Mrs Harrison, Mrs Mills and Mrs Tollervey
Recommended Reading for Reception
Spring 2025
It was Internet Safety Day this week and we have been talking about how to keep ourselves safe online. We spoke about how using tablets can be tricky and if something goes wrong or makes us worry, we should speak up. We even learnt Smartie the Penguins song. For more information follow this link on how to support children and young people online - https://www.childnet.com/parents-and-carers/have-a-conversation/.
For Child Mental Health Week this year, the theme was Know Yourself, Grow Yourself. All week, we have been thinking about a different question each day. We have been talking about things that we are good at, things we might want to get better at, who is special to us, what makes us smile and what makes us special.
We talk about feelings a lot in Reception. We were able to teach the whole school our feelings song.
This week we have been have been collecting data about each other. The children have been wonderful at coming up with their own criteria. Some children carried out a survey to see what everyone's favourite pudding was. Another child collated data on whether individuals could click their fingers or not.
Reception have been busy taking part in the 'RSPB Bird Schools Bird Watch'. Children have been collecting information about what birds can be seen in our outdoor area. Many birds were spotted.
Our overarching topic this term is Food. We have been talking about where food comes from and how it makes it way to our plate.
We made our own bread - it was delicious. We then went on to make our own butter, with a little help from Year 6.
Autumn 2024
The children have been busy making faces the natural resources that we have in our wonderful outside area. There are some with clear expressions and personalities.
The children have been shown around the school by their Year 6 buddies. We are thankful to our buddies for showing our youngest children the lunchtime routines. Our buddies also come up and read to the children regularly. Thank you Year 6!
A great new term for our children in Reception. We have all been getting to know each other. Our Year 6 buddies have been supporting us well and helping with our routines. We are so proud of how the children have settled.
Summer 2024
Mastering Number - we have been working hard on our number mastery. We have mastered subitising, counting accurately and recognising even and odd numbers. This term we have been introduced to the rekenreks. Starting positions all!!
Reception children have observed that there are 10 beads on each row. 5 white and 5 red.
Spring 2024
We were lucky enough to have six eggs arrive in our classroom. The children carefully watched and waited, and waited some more. Eventually, all six eggs hatched. They have been swimming and have joined in with our Maths lessons!
Parent play date - lots of parents came in so that we could share our learning with them. Thank you to all that made it in!
Liz the farmer came into school and spoke to us about her job. We loved having her in, she brought us a sugar beat so that we could see it close up. It was heavy and a bit earthy! The children had lots of questions and learnt about the different types of crops and animals that live on the farm. Thank you Liz
We have been learning about food and where it comes from. The children made bread and then with some extra help from our Year 6 buddies made butter too. The children thought it was delicious!
The children went on a Winter walk to see what signs of winter were around. There was a lot of discussion about if it would snow or not.
We had a brilliant trip to the library this week. We walked up to the library at Campus West. The librarians there told us all about how we could become members. We listened to some stories and did a treasure hunt. There were so many wonderful books to choose from.
The children have been busy learning how important it is to keep their teeth clean. We have learnt a song that we can sing in our heads whilst we are cleaning them. Children have taken home a chart this week to keep track.
Autumn 2023
The children have settled well into their new environment and have loved having access to our garden. We love to learn outdoors in Reception.
Counting Crow and Hal are making their way home with the children. Hal loves to read and is loving hearing the children’s recommendations. Counting Crow loves numbers and is enjoying spotting numbers with the children.
We walked over to St John’s Church to have our Harvest service with Father Rob. We sang ‘Thank You God for the Harvest’. We signed the song as we sang.
We had a great session with Gosling Tennis. The children persevered and concentrated hard.
Children have been building relationships with their peers well this term. They have been getting to know each other and our new classroom. We have been super impressed with their kindness and consideration towards others. Keep it up Reception!
We moved into our new classroom at the beginning of October. We are looking after it really well.
Rockstar Day 2023!
When everyone is dressed as rockstars, the children chose to have their own class disco. The children loved sharing what their favourite songs were. There was a lot of discussion about which they liked and which they weren’t keen on. An eclectic and diverse range of music was listened to - Peppa Pig, Barbie to classic like We will rock you.
Our Year 6 buddies have been helping us a lot this term. They helped the children at lunchtime to help them settle and they now come a read with us once every week. They have been fabulous, thank you Year 6. We are very proud of you.
We had our first PE lesson in the hall with Mrs Robinson today - she was impressed at our independence at putting our own shoes and socks on! Good job all.
We have had a great week of home visits and stay and plays. We are very proud of the children and how they have come in. We can't wait for our first full week next week.