Welcome to the Autumn Term 2024-2025
Home Page


Primary and Nursery School

‘A pathway to grow, be curious and discover’


Key Vocabulary and Recommended Reading

Autumn Term 2024

Maths Club were solving matchstick puzzles by moving only 1 matchstick to make the equation correct!

Summer Term 2024

Year 3 took part in their first ever Maths Challenge this year, they worked so well as a team!

Spring Term 2024

Maths club are enjoying using their place value knowledge to help them win the dinosaur board game!

Year 5 completed the Herts Maths challenge. They competed against 280 schools and worked well as a team, as you can see from the example questions it wasn't easy!

Maths Club have enjoyed learning to play darts- not only a great skill but lots of Maths is needed to keep track of scores!

To help year 5 with percentages, we practiced using a bead string, base 10 equipment and a metre stick to show how percentages are out of 100.

Year 2's Working Wall has been helping them with number magnitude and doubling and halving.

Autumn Term 2023

Some examples of incorporating Maths in to our outdoor learning sessions.

The whole school celebrated Maths Week England and this yeras theme is "3 is a magic number". Each year group has written some fun facts about the number 3!

Maths club had great fun making their own Maths board games which they tested out on the rest of the school, the feedback was very positive!

Reception have been using lots of opportunities to practice their counting skills! They are focusing on seeing number in a variety of different contexts.

Our new Mastering Number programme has launched, and year 2 have had lots of fun getting used to using new manipulatives such as the rekenreks!

Maths Club made the most of the lovely weather, and practiced using vocabulary such as "clockwise" and "anti-clockwise" to direct their partners. They also had to specify the turn in degrees that they wanted eg 90 degree turn, 180 degree turn, 270 degree turn or a full 360 turn.

Summer Term

Year 5 created their own tape measures using cm, m, inches and feet. The challenge was converting inches to feet as we had to use multiples of 12!

Spring Term


Another term and many more opportunities to apply maths skills across the school. Everyone is continuing to practise and embed their multiplication learning. There are many opportunities to build on problem solving skills and curiosity in maths lessons through fun and engaging activities. This term will also see some members of year 5 take on the maths challenge competition - we wish you lots of luck! More updates from Nursery to Year 6 to follow.

Year 5 took part in the Herts For Learning Maths challenge. Whilst they just missed out in a place in the finals, they received their scores and achieved well over the average mark! A great achievement and a great opportunity to challenge themselves.

Autumn Term 2022


Another year, another exciting term of maths! The teachers have been planning exciting maths lessons to build curiosity and develop each child's mathematical learning journey. This term is always full of place value and calculation learning. At home you can support your child by counting, adding, subtracting and practicing times tables up to 12x12 - this lays the foundations for maths knowledge - maths is easy when these core concepts are in place.

Please check here regularly for maths updates and learning across the school from Nursery to Year 6.

Year 5 have been practicing regrouping with visual representatives to help them with short division.

We celebrated Maths Week England 2022!!

Spring Term 2022

Welcome back to another term of Maths learning! The pupils of Homerswood are working extremely hard to consolidate their maths learning whilst continuing to learn new concepts and apply them to a variety of different contexts. Ask your children regularly what they have been learning in their maths lessons and encourage them to explain/show/prove their learning. This is a great way for them to consolidate their learning.

My year 5 enthusiastic learners group have been working really hard on a Monday lunchtime and I look forward to continuing these sessions with them.

This page will be updated regularly throughout this term so revisit again soon to help us all celebrate the fantastic work of the pupils across the school.

Twos day on Tuesday! Whole school progression of the number 2.

Autumn 2021


Mathematicians Ahoy! We are very excited to welcome you all back and look forward to an enjoyable term of maths learning. In classes we are starting the year with a focus on place value and feeling confident in manipulating numbers. Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots are supporting us in these skills - please remember to practise these at home, log ins are available from your child's class teacher. Don't forget to remind your child that they can challenge each other and the teachers..... if they are brave enough!

Look out for information about maths week later in the term and continue to check back here regularly for maths updates! smiley

Year 3 Symmetrical patterns using natural materials during their outdoor learning session

Channel your inner rockstar and challenge your headteacher!

16.12.2020 - A Massive Congratulations to our Superstar Times Table Rockstar - Freddie in Year 5. He recently scored a fantastic 61 correctly answered times tables in 60 seconds! Well done Freddie :) Who will dare to challenge him?

December 2020 - Have a go at solving these Christmas challenges........

Week Beginning 19.11.2020 - Year 4 exploring measurement outside

Week Beginning 19.10.2020 - Exploring Shape Outside

13.10.2020 - Maths Day Assembly - Congratulations to Ruby for winning the KS2 bingo

13.10.2020 - Maths Day Challenge - Congratulations to Aria, Katelyn and Bethany for estimating the number of sweets in the jars for KS1 and KS2

10.03.2020 - Year 3 and 4 Motivating Maths Workshop - Hard at work, challenging themselves with a variety of problems to solve!

22.01.2020 - Pupils from Year 5 and Year 6 take part in a Motivating Maths Workshop. Great enthusiasm and team work! :)

24.10.19 - This member of Year 5 was very excited to share her Maths work that she is proud of. Something that she has found difficult but with perseverance she has over come, Well done!!

24.10.19 - Year 1 using part part whole models and confident verbal reasoning - Fantastic! Great questioning too!

16.10.19 - Every week Year 5 Practise their chef skills in preparation for the 'Young Chef of the Year' competition. Today they went to the local shops to buy some apples. They had to work out how many apples they needed to buy to ensure that each child could have half an apple. They also had to buy a range of apples from different countries. Lots of Maths skills used. Well done Year 5!! :)

16.10.19 - Confident number work understanding and recognising the number 5 from Reception. Great work! :)

16.10.19 - Celebrating Year 3 pupils' independent work on using the compensation method when subtracting 9 (minus 10 then add 1)

15.10.19 - Celebrating Maths Day

Wow! What a day we have had! Who knew that a box of Smarties could create such fun and engaging maths work. Throughout the school, all children have participated in a variety of maths activities. These ranged from organising a party, to researching and creating posters on famous Mathematicians and not to forget many smarties challenges; estimating, grouping, counting, symmetry etc. In some year groups they have been been solving calculations in french too! Great work from everyone!

15.10.19 - Celebrating Maths Day! Even the teachers took part in working on Maths challenges and testing each other! :)

19.09.19 - Sharing Maths work on estimating. Great effort!! :)

09.09.19 - Sharing a piece of Maths work that he is proud of

11.05.18 - Year 2 working on finding quarter and three quarters - Great work and vocabulary used!!

May 2018 - Year 1 exploring capacity using vocabulary - full, half full, quarter full, three quarters full, empty

Year 3 visualising arrays using manipulatives to support with times tables

Math-Magician Club Day 7 - numbers on a calculator

Today the children were set a challenge by Mrs Bennett. They had the numbers 2 and 3, and then had x + - ÷ symbols. They had to work out how they could make 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 and so on. However, they could only use the symbols and the numbers given. The children had lots of fun and were challenged in their thinking. Well done Math-Magicians!! :)

Math-Magician Club Day 6 - Playing card calculations

Today we started with working on the Maths challenge. We had a great conversation about how we would work it out and what the possible answers could be. This was then displayed on the display in the hall. We (in groups) then laid out cards face down and took turns to turn three cards over and worked out whether we could make a calculation with any of them. If we could then we would win the cards. The aim is so have the most cards at the end. Some great discussions and mathematical thinking. Well done as always Mathemagicians!

Math-Magicians Club Day 5 - Cuisenaire Rods

Today we experimented with our brand new Cuisenaire rods. I set the children a challenge of asking the children to show me some maths using them. The children were really creative and thought outside the box. Year 6 in particular were using them for fractions and looking at  larger numbers. Well done everyone!

Math-Magicians Day 4 - Pattern Day 2

Today we looked a different patterns in wiggly lines. We found lots of different shapes and patterns to make. Some of us looked at Pascal's Triangle and found patterns in numbers - we then explained them to a partner. 34 children now on the register - Excellent!!!! smiley

Math-Magician Club - Day 3

We now have 32 children on the register for Math-Magician Club - Well done everyone! This week we explored pattern and made different shapes out of square cards that have black lines on them. Some of us made squares; rectangles and we even extended ourselves to create a letter of the alphabet. Jack Jarvis made a 'J' out of the pattern cards. We decided 'S' was a very tricky letter to make. Miss Day came to visit our club too. Some of us had to sit with her to support her in her learning. We explained and taught her well.

Math-magicians Day 2 - Calculation Jigsaw

Day 2 of our Maths club. The children started the session where they answered a series of statements about the number 54 e.g write it in words, is it a composite or prime number, if the sequence was add 5 what would the next 3 numbers be etc. A great starter which got us talking about numbers immediately.

On to the challenge of the day....we had a pack of cards with a number and a mathematical symbol (= + - ÷ x) or just a number. The children had to make as many calculations with the cards as they could. Their challenge was to use all of the number cards in accurate number sentences. It was lots of fun! Well done to Rhyleigh in Year 4 who used all of his cards with correct calculations - excellent! smiley

Maths in Reception

This week in reception the children have been exploring number bonds to 8 using spiders legs. Lots of exciting Maths learning and enthusiastic children. Well done Reception! smiley

Math-magician club day 1 - Problem solving using playing cards

Day 1 of Maths club and the children were faced with a count down conundrum - seeing who could get the closest to 154 using only the numbers on the board (and using them only once). This was tough but the children persevered and found a variety of ways to meet the target - Excellent work! They then had to figure out my magic trick using the playing cards. The children were amazed and spent 15minutes of focused work trying to figure out the order of the cards. Some children came very close. A challenge has been set to see who can figure it out and show us next week....Good Luck smiley The children were engaged and excited about the activity whilst using mathematical terminology and working with their peers. Well done to all math-magicians. See you next week!

Maths Newsletter Autumn Term 2016

Fluency Parent Workshop - 13th October 2016

We held a very successful workshop all about Maths Fluency for parents of children in Years 1 & 2.  The feedback was 100% positive.  Everyone who attended felt that they would change the way they help their child with maths in the future and 100% would recommend attending a future event.


We do plan to run this workshop again in January as an evening session, but in the meantime, the power-point is attached.   

Fluency Parent Workshop Power-point

Homerswood Mathematics Curriculum

Click on a year group to understand what they will be learning in mathematics during the year.

Year 3 and Year 4 Whizz Kids Maths Workshop
Thursday 22nd January 2015
Six children from Year 3 and Year 4 were selected to go on a Whizz Kids Maths Workshop in Stevenage.  They spent all day problem solving, discussing mathematics and working collaboratively.  Everyone had an amazing day and learnt absolutely loads!

Level 6 Maths Workshop   -   Tuesday 13th January 2015

On Tuesday 13th January 2015 three children from Year 6 went to St. Albans with Mrs Cropley and spent the entire day working on various elements of the Level 6 Curriculum.  The workshop was really practical and covered volume, algebra, n-th term and data handling.  It was a brilliant day and EVERYONE, (including Mrs Cropley,) took loads of methods, ideas and increased understanding away with them at the end of the day!

Mathematics Newsletter - Autumn Term 2015
Changes to the Maths Curriculum by Year Group

Bumble the Bubbly Maths Clown Workshops!


Everyone had a fantastic couple of days when Bumble the Bubbly Math Clown came to visit Homerswood on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th January 2015.  Bumble held an assembly on the first morning and then across the two days spent an hour with every class, from Nursery right through to Year 6.  His focus was on shape, measure and included some problem solving activities.  There was even an after school workshop which loads of families came and enjoyed! 

Level 6 Revision Day

Parent Addition & Subtraction Information Evening

On Thursday 6th March 2014 we held a maths information evening which focused on addition and subtraction.  Parents of children from Year 1 through to Year 4 were invited to attend.


We had a full classroom of parents at the event, who all agreed that it was an informative evening, which gave useful information about methods that are currently used in class.  Four teachers were at the event, giving parents the opportunity to talk with them after the session.    


Please find above a link to the power-point that was shown during the evening.


Based on the positive feedback from the parents that attended, we now plan to run an event on multiplication and subtraction in the future.

