Welcome to the Autumn Term 2024-2025
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Primary and Nursery School

‘A pathway to grow, be curious and discover’

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!   


The Year 1 team consists of:

Mrs Gregory (Monday and Tuesday)

Mrs Penny (Wednesday to Friday)

Mrs Mills (Monday and Tuesday afternoons)

Mrs Bohoran

Miss Williams (Mornings)


Year 1 Meet and Greet

Year 1 Recommended Reads


We are so proud of all of the children in Year 1! They have settled fantastically well into our Year 1 classroom, routines and expectations. They have especially loved exploring their new classroom this week. Please keep an eye on our class page for regular updates on what we have been getting up to. Well done Year 1! Keep up the hard work!

Science - Today we explored our sense of taste by tasting some different foods on bread. We tried marmite, chocolate spread, strawberry jam, lemon juice and cream cheese, and described the flavours we could taste. We pulled some funny faces!

In Year 1, our class rewards are gems in the jar. Today we went gem crazy and earned so many gems in our jar for kindness, fantastic learning and great listening! We are so proud of Year 1's team work today! What a great team. Well done Year 1!

Art - We are feeling very Autumnal in Year 1! We have been creating observational drawings of pumpkins and focusing on different ways of mark making.

Harvest - Our Harvest Service focus this year is ' Trees'. Year 1 have been busy creating tree craft images showing the different changes trees go through during the seasons. We are excited to share their creations during our Harvest Service at the church.

Maths - Representing numbers to ten in many ways through regrouping

Art - Exploring line and mark making to draw water

Beach Trip Slides

Our new PE topic is Team Building. Take a look at Year 1s great skills of communication and problem solving.

Year 1 were treated with a very exciting show and tell as they all got to see and hold a slow worm! The children were all very surprised by how it tied itself into a knot.

Year 1 have been exploring colour mixing this week. Here they are mixing their primary colours to create secondary colours.

In Geography, the children were learning about Emperor Penguins. Here we are practicing our penguin huddle. Look at how well we are protecting our eggs!

📖World Book Day 📚

In Maths we have been experimenting with the different ways we can create numbers between 10-20 using cuisenaire rods.

In Geography, Year 1 worked in teams to create pictures of the coasts. They challenged themselves by adding coastal landforms such as cliffs to their pictures.

Year 1 enjoyed making sculptures in Art by rolling up paper tubes.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

During their Mastering Number lesson, Year 1 were learning about how the value of the numbers increase as they count.

Year 1 loved their trip to the theatre to see Robin Hood. They were especially excited to be front row! A big well done to the children who walked back to school after the show.

We are reading How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth in English so today we have been following other instructions. Here the class are practicing using bossy verbs to get their partner to make a Lego model correctly.

Y1 have been playing dice games to make the numbers 1-9 in as many different ways as possible.

Thank you to Mr Bradshaw for coming in to answer our questions about childhood in the past today. We were very interested to hear about the games he played and the food he ate when he was a child.

Welcome to Homerswood’s very busy opticians!

Look at how hard we worked as a team to put together this puzzle!

For science, we tested our sense of taste by trying bread spread with all different toppings. We used words like sweet, sour and bitter to describe the flavours.

Year 1 loved sharing their fables with Year 6!

Year 1 had their first Art lesson today where they created their own printing blocks out of Lego.

Year 1 have been practicing their clockwise and anti clockwise turns in maths. Great job year 1!
