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Primary and Nursery School

‘A pathway to grow, be curious and discover’

Year 6

 laugh Welcome to Year 6 laugh


We are so excited for the year ahead and know it will be a fun packed final year for the children. 

Please check here for regular updates and highlights throughout the year.

Team: Mrs Farr, Mrs Mcutchison and Mrs Derisa


Recommended Reads:

Spring Term 2025

For our environment unit in Geography, we created a campaign poster for a topic we are passionate about. These included reducing plastic, deforestation and preserving the ocean.

For our final gymnastics session, we used the apparatus to practice different holds.

Year 2 wrote us a personalised letter each so we wrote them a reply and shared it with them.

In gymanstics year 6 have been practicing shoulder stands, hand stand variations and bridges.

Year 6 were caught reading in silence this week, with everyone reading for pleasure. It was lovely to see a variety of text types!

We have started our new PE topic of Hockey and have been practicing a "push pass"

Autumn Term 2024

We had a great end to Autumn term with our Christmas lunch!

Year 6 have practices their sewing skills to design and make waistcoats either for an adult, a child or a teddy bear!

We had great fun at our Boccia, archery, curling and table tennis event at MonksWalk!

We enjoyed a Bollywood dance workshop to celebrate Diwali

Year 6 practiced curing, Boccia and table tennis ahead of their competition in a couple of weeks

Year 6 2023-2024

Summer Term


Here we are, in our last term at Homerswood! We have many fun things planned and many curriculum areas still to cover to keep an eye out for all of the photos along the way. 

Our last few weeks in Year 6! Outdoor learning consisting on painting based on just one dot.

Year 6 have been working so hard on their enterprise challenge! They have considered budgets, profits and their products carefully to try to make the most from just £1! Please support them if you can afterschool at the front entrance this week.

We visited the law court building at the University today to tick off from our pathway pad!

We have been using a range of skills and equipment to create pie charts this week in maths.

Fencing and the start of sports week!

What can I say... Year 6 are superstars! A challenging week, taken in their stride ✨ Well done! Some well deserved treats of going to the park, opening their leavers hoodies and, thanks to Friends of Homerswood, our own screening at the cinema😁

We are busy revising in maths in preparation for SATs and getting ready for secondary!

Our hockey team came an amazing 2nd place at the District event held at Monks Walk.

We began our new 3D sculptures topic in Art, began handball in PE and built on our year 3 science knowledge of how light travels.


Spring Term

We had a lovely visit from the ducks this week! 🦆 We also compared the Ancient Greek and modern olympics 🏃‍♂️

In DT, we have been nusy designing, making and evaluating (and repeat!) our playgrounds.

We had a wonderful GLAM and International Womens day celebrating the females in our lives and designing and creating our own towns.

Our last World Book day at Homerswood!

We attended an indoor athletics session at Stanborough school this week.

We had a presentation from the sea cadets today.

We have been enjoying our hockey unit; putting everything into a game situation!

We had a visit from Year 3 sharing their great writing with us (even Buzz was enjoying them!) and we shared our dreams for the world in RSHE.

This week we have been exploring the weekend in French and expressing our voices in art.

Our highlights for our first week back has been securing algebra and creating clap, stomp inspired routines!


Autumn Term

What a busy week! We mixed our English writing skills to history, enjoyed our active blasts and some of us went to the trampoline park

Mayan writing and Christmas has arrived ...

We enjoyed our library visit where we explored the huge amount of books there, the tech lab and green screen filming!

Well done to some of us who attended the archery event at Ridgeway 🏅

Table tennis and TAP sporting events this week!

Our final poems, parliament week and Remembrance Day celebrations.

Our first week back consisted of learning volleyball skills, performance poetry and some Halloween activities!

A science enquiry and lessons with Mr Williams!

Can you recognise any of our great photography from famous paintings?

Our last Harvest festival at Homerswood!

Using instruments in music this week and beginning to plan our own websites in computing.

An incredible week spent in Dorset; here are just some of our highlights!

We are very proud of Year 6 for supporting and being role models to the younger members of our school. They have regularly spent time with their Reception buddies the first few weeks of the year.

Outdoor learning and figuring out the most efficient mental strategies in maths.

We finished our fable writing and enjoyed our active blasts this week! Well done to our tag rugby team too.

Maths place value bingo, searching in South America, exploring inheritance and learning a new song... all in week 1!
