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Primary and Nursery School

‘A pathway to grow, be curious and discover’

Friends of Homerswood

Friends of Homerswood officially formed as a Parent, Teacher and Friends Association in 2022.


Since then we have run many events for the school community including a Christmas Disco, Christmas Fayre, Easter Egg hunt and Summer Fete. These fundraising activities have enabled us to buy much needed equipment for the school such as reading books to support the newly adopted phonics scheme.


We are a small and friendly team and are always looking to welcome new members and volunteers. We are supported very well by a large number of volunteers throughout the school community. If you would like to find out more please contact us through


The Friends of Homerswood committee currently consists of the following roles all of which are able to take leading or supporting roles for fundraising activities as time allows:

Chair and Co-Chair – responsible for running the meetings and allocating leads for activities and actions.

Vice Chair – responsible for leading activities if Chair and Co-Chair are absent

Treasurer – responsible for managing the FoH finances

Secretary – responsible for minuting the meetings and document management

Committee Member – up to 3 additional members of the committee, there to vote on motions and lead on events


In addition to the committee members any number of volunteers are welcome for the fundraising activities held throughout the year.

