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Primary and Nursery School

‘A pathway to grow, be curious and discover’

Year 5

laugh Welcome to Year 5! laugh


Staff: Mr Williamson and Miss Allen 

There are so many highlights in year 5, including a trip to an art gallery, learning to cook a 3 course meal and having a visit from our Police Community Support Officer.

We look forward to sharing our achievements with you!

Recommended Reading List

Autumn Term 2024

Autumn Photos

Summer Term

Year 5 all looked amazing dressed as their future selves!

We had a great Sports Day with 4 different track races!

Our amazing Young chef finalists cooking on eof their three courses for their hero.

These are 3D models we designed on Purplemash and printed as a net to then build.

We enjoyed trying out a fencing session!

Spring Term

We had a great time in the Space observatory for British Science Week!

We have been busy practicing skills for the Young Chef of the Year! Here are our smoothies and salads we prepared- nutritious and delicious!

We had a lovely GLAM morning designing our own little towns! Thank you to everyone for making it a successful morning.

After working very hard to produce a neat final piece for our recount writing, we shared our work with year 2 who were amazed at our neat handwriting!

We had a handball session to prepare for an upcoming tournament - some very close games were played!

In Art we made our own printing templates to create a background for a piece of art inspired by Ties Albers.

We had a great time at the Indoor Athletics event at Stanborough.

Starting off the term with a very cold football session!

Autumn Term

For our last gymnastics lesson, we enjoyed using the apparatus to practice our balances!

Here are Year 5's finished doodlers for our DT project!

We have been practicing symmetrical and asymmetrical balances in gymnastics.

We had a lovely visit to Tate Britain which is one of our footprints "visit an art gallery".

In DT we are making series circuits to connect a battery to a motor.

We had a visit from MonksWalk to help us practice our archery skills for an upcoming event.

As part of our "fitness" sequence, we looked at different types of skipping including double dutch and french skipping.

Year 5 enjoyed a visit to Reception to read some stories with them. Year 5 were so nurturing and made the reception pupils feel at ease.

Maths is progressing well and we are now multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.

We shared our Fable stories with year 3 and practiced finding the moral to each other's stories.

One of our daily Action cards was the "Lean on me" game, trying to stand up and sit down whilst locking your arms with a partner!

In PE one of our topics is "fitness" so we tested our stamina by completing a "T shuttle", "heel raises", "skipping" and "Hawk Balance".

Year 5 are doing well on their first Maths sequence of the year. We are looking at place value and they were ordering numbers from smallest to largest up to 1 million!
