Key Vocabulary, Concepts and Recommended Reading
Spring Term 2025
Here comes the a new term of fabulous Geography! As always the teachers have been planning exciting lessons to build curiosity and develop each child's learning journey.
Please check here regularly for Geography updates and learning across the school from Nursery to Year 6.
This week, voters will be exploring Bradford, the UK's newest City of Culture, and how it might prompt us all to take up a new creative hobby or get more involved in our local communities. The assembly takes a closer look at the cities who have previously held this title.
Year 2 - exploring that shops sell foods from many different countries.
Autumn Term 2024
Here comes the Autumn Term of fabulous Geography! As always the teachers have been planning exciting lessons to build curiosity and develop each child's learning journey.
Please check here regularly for Geography updates and learning across the school from Nursery to Year 6.
The votes are in - Should we learn more about coping with extreme weather?
The votes are in - Should UK Parliament move around the country?
This week, voters will be thinking about the increase of extreme weather across the globe and whether we will need to learn how to cope with it as part of our new normal. The assembly is also about COP29 and covers some of the key terms that they will hear discussed in the news.
For Parliament Week Year 2 have been reading 'If I were Prime Minster' by Trygve Skaug, and exploring what they would do if they became Prime Minister.
Votes for Schools - This week's topic marks UK Parliament Week and aims to get young people thinking about how they can be more involved in the decision-making that affects their lives. The assembly also looks at the people who work in UK Parliament.
Nursery - have been reading The Three Little Pigs and learning about different types of homes.
Next week is Parliament Week 2024, an annual event to engage people with Parliament, spreading the word about what Parliament is, what it does and how everyone can get involved.
Reception - exploring and describing their local environment.
The results are in: “Could pre-loved clothes become more popular than buying new?”
Year 2 - Seasons - understand that there are four seasons in the UK.
Year 6 - South America – The Amazon; understand what the Amazon is, and where it is located.
Votes for Schools - To celebrate Second Hand September, this week voters consider whether they are willing to part with their belongings, and how open they would be to buying second hand items. The assembly explores how charity shops run, and how they came to be a staple of the British high street.
Summer Term 2024
Here comes the a new term of fabulous Geography! As always the teachers have been planning exciting lessons to build curiosity and develop each child's learning journey.
Please check here regularly for Geography updates and learning across the school from Nursery to Year 6.
Eco-Club have finished the glue and bottle lid school logo challenge!
Some of the amazing Geography work that has taken place across the school this half term.
Homerswood's Cultural Diversity Day celebrations
Earth Day - see how we celebrated.
This week, ahead of Earth Day next week our School Assembly focused on plastic and how this affects the health of the people and the planet. Voters will also be reflecting on the benefits of introducing more wildlife into our towns, cities and other built-up areas.
Spring Term 2024
Here comes the a new term of fabulous Geography! As always the teachers have been planning exciting lessons to build curiosity and develop each child's learning journey.
Please check here regularly for Geography updates and learning across the school from Nursery to Year 6.
Eco-club have been washing glue lids for their recycling challenge.
Just some of the Geography work that has been going on.
Year 6 have been using coordinates.
Year 1 have been sorting Physical and Human features.
Eco-Club have been using recycled bottle lids to create art.
Year 2 have been using the Atlases to name and locate the four countries and capital cities that make up the UK.
This weekend sees the start of the Chinese New Year celebrations, the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. 2024 is a year of the Dragon, the symbol of authority, prosperity and good fortune in Chinese Culture.
Affinity Water Assembly - Saving water and our streams
Eco-Club have put up their 'Waste Free Wednesday' posters to try and reduce the amount of waste produced by packed lunches.
Environment Assembly presented by some Year 5 pupils.
Year 2 have been exploring which local shops sell food and where this food might come from.
Autumn Term 2023
Here comes the Autumn Term of fabulous Geography! As always the teachers have been planning exciting lessons to build curiosity and develop each child's learning journey.
Please check here regularly for Geography updates and learning across the school from Nursery to Year 6.
Year 5 have been exploring changes in their local environment.
Recycle your Christmas cards at Homerswood School. Recycle your Christmas cards 2024! January is the month to recycle your Christmas cards responsibly or gather them together to reuse in crafts for next Christmas! It's easy to recycle Christmas cards at Homerswood School to reuse in crafts next year. Simply bring your Christmas cards to school for us to store, until we can use them to create amazing Christmas crafts.
Year 2 have been exploring the UK and the countries it is made up of.
As part of Parliament Week, Year 6 completed the Parliament Week Quiz.
As part of Parliament Week, Year 2 have been reading 'If I were Prime Minister' by Trygve Skaug and deciding what they would do if they were Prime Minister.
As part of Parliament Week, Year 3 have been exploring the process of voting during an election.
WOW! James was able to correctly label 49 African countries without looking at a map. A real Geographer in the making.
Votes for Schools - Ahead of Parliament Week next week, voters are this week considering the ways in which we choose our leaders and how they go about making decisions. The whole school assembly explored Party Conferences and what these entail.
Votes for School - this week's whole school assembly took a closer look at fossil fuels and their impact. As drilling at Rosebank Oil Field has been given the green light, KS2 will explore whether new oil fields should be opening in the UK. KS1 voters will explore renewable energy and its benefits for the environment.
Year 2 have been exploring the four seasons in the United Kingdom.
Year 6 have been recapping their map and atlas skills with exploring the world before focusing on South America.
Summer Term 2023
Here comes the Summer Term of fabulous Geography! As always the teachers have been planning exciting lessons to build curiosity and develop each child's learning journey.
Please check here regularly for Geography updates and learning across the school from Nursery to Year 6.
Year 3 have been exploring how to communicate using geographical vocabulary.
Year 4 have been exploring why people live near volcanoes.
Eco-Club - look how much the cress has grown!
Eco-Club have been discussing the impact of food miles on the environment and the benefits of growing your own so we had a go at growing some cress.
Year 1 exploring animals and their habitats.
Votes for Schools - This week, we will explore the implications of sewage being pumped into Britain's rivers and seas, and reflect on our personal feelings towards the issue. We will also take a look at the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
Eco Club - making butterfly feeders.
Votes for Schools - considering the importance of people having different views and the value this can bring to our lives.
Year 6 have been discussing how they can ensure we have more sustainable environments including considering different industries and job opportunities in our local area.
Year 2 have been identifying the major rivers in different the continents of the world.
Eco-Club exploring wind power
Spring Term 2023
Here comes another term of amazing Geography! The teachers have been planning exciting lessons to build curiosity and develop each child's learning journey.
Please check here regularly for Geography updates and learning across the school from Nursery to Year 6.
New Whole School Geography display
Sustainability Week - The Messy Magpie
Sustainability Week - How Long Does It Take To Decompose?
Sustainability Week 20th March - supporting children to think about environmental issues and how they can take positive steps to lessen their carbon footprint and be more ‘green’!
As part of Science Week we had a visit from a STEM Ambassador, talking about Packaging and the Environment.
Eco Club getting ready for Sustainability Week.
Votes for School - Ahead of Food Waste Action Week (6th-12th March), we are going to consider the action being taken by UK supermarkets to tackle this ever-growing problem.
Eco Club - reusing an old T-shirt, to make a bag.
This weekend sees the start of the Chinese New Year celebrations, the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. 2023 is a year of the Water Rabbit, the symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese Culture.
Eco Club - our challenge was to make the longest paper chain possible from one piece of recycled paper. We discussed using large loops and small loops, and if wider or narrower strips of paper would work best.
Year 2 - exploring how shops sell foods from many different locations.
Autumn Term 2022
Another year, another exciting term of Geography! The teachers have been planning exciting lessons to build curiosity and develop each child's learning journey.
Please check here regularly for Geography updates and learning across the school from Nursery to Year 6.
Recycle your Christmas cards at Homerswood School. Recycle your Christmas cards 2023! January is the month to recycle your Christmas cards responsibly or gather them together to reuse in crafts for next Christmas! It's easy to recycle Christmas cards at Homerswood School to reuse in crafts next year. Simply bring your Christmas cards to school for us to store, until we can use them to create amazing Christmas crafts.
Year 1 have been exploring maps, by recalling journeys and sequencing landmarks.
Year 5, as part of UK Parliament week, held a debate about 'Why Democracy is Important?'
Year 6, completing the UK Parliament Quiz to test their knowledge and understanding of how Parliament works.
Year 2, having an introduction to how Parliament works and a discussion about the Prime Minster.
Start of UK Parliament Week, with a whole school assembly.
UK Parliament Week 2022, is an annual event that engages people from across the UK with Parliament, spreading the word about what Parliament is, what it does and how everyone can get involved.
Year 2 have been exploring the four seasons in the UK.
Eco-Club, creating bird feeders.
Year 2 have been investigating why the weather changes and exploring the different types of wind.
Summer 2022
Welcome back for another fun filled term of geography learning. In classes we are starting the new term with a focus on geographical skills and fieldwork. Look out for information and updates about the history learning in each class.
14.6.22 - Congratulations Eco Warriors on our inaugural Eco Club meeting.
19.5.22 - Reception, comparing the UK and Iceland.
Eco-Club staring after half term.
EUROPE – A STUDY OF THE ALPINE REGION: Where should we go on holiday?
Spring 2022
We are very excited to welcome you back and look forward to an enjoyable term of geography learning. In classes we are starting the new term with a focus on human and physical geography. Look out for information and updates about the geography learning in each class.
Reception - Describing the immediate environment, using knowledge from observation and discussion, to create maps.
Where should we go on holiday? Year 5 have been exploring how homes are designed to suit their location.
Where does all the rain go? - Year 4 exploring the water cycle.
ONE WORLD WEEK 2022 - Year 3 have been using their map skills to explore some of the cities in Japan.
Autumn 2021
We are very excited to welcome you all back and look forward to an enjoyable term of geography learning. In classes we are starting the year with a focus on locational and place knowledge. Look out for information and updates about the geography learning in each class.
Recycle your Christmas cards 2022!
January is the month to recycle your Christmas cards responsibly or gather them together to reuse in crafts for next Christmas!
It's easy to recycle Christmas cards at Homerswood School to reuse in crafts next year. Simply bring your Christmas cards to school for us to store, until we can use them to create amazing Christmas crafts.
What’s it like where we live? - Year 1 have been creating maps of their classroom.
Find out all about one of the most important climate change summits in the world.
Can you come on a Great American Road Trip? - Year 4 have been researching the historic Route 69.
2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference
What is life like in the Amazon? - Year 6 have been using an atlases to locate the Amazon.
DK Find out!
A fantastic primary encyclopedia type site from Dorling Kindersley. Find out about dinosaurs, space, animals, nature and more. Fun learning activities for kids with videos, quizzes and galleries.
National Geographic for Kids
Find amazing facts about animals, science, history and geography, along with fun competitions, games and more. Visit National Geographic Kids today!