Key Vocabulary, Knowledge Organisers and Recommended Reading
Spring Term 2025
Happy New Year and welcome back to another jam packed term. As last term, we are looking forward to celebrating and learning about several multi-faith events this term such as World Religion Day, Ramadan, Holi Festival and Pesach. We will continue to explore interesting enquiry questions throughout the school, such as 'Who is Jewish and how do they live?', 'How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim?' and 'What do the 'What difference does the resurrection make to Christians?'
Year 1 have begun their Judaism unit 'Who is Jewish and how do they live?'. Here are some of the children exploring some special Jewish artefacts.
Autumn Term 2024
Welcome back to an exciting new academic year! We are looking forward to celebrating and exploring some wonderful multi-faith events this term including Rosh Hashanah, Harvest, Diwali, Christmas and Hanukkah. We will continue to explore interesting enquiry questions throughout the school, such as 'Who do Christians say made the world?', 'What does it mean to be Sikh in Britain today?' and 'What do the ‘Foot Festivals’ mean in Judaism today?'
Homerswood Carol Service 2024
Christingle - Year 2 enjoyed their festive visit to St John's church to make Christingles!
Happy Diwali to all who celebrate!
Diwali - To celebrate Diwali, each class were lucky enough to complete an Indian dance workshop. We loved listening to a variety of music and learning different dance routines!
Harvest Festival Order of Service 2024
Harvest - Our Harvest Service focus this year is ' Trees'. Year 1 have been busy creating tree craft images showing the different changes trees go through during the seasons. Year 1 are excited to share their creations during our Harvest Service at the church.
Rosh Hashanah - Rosh Hashanah, also known as the Jewish New Year, is a Jewish holiday which celebrates the completion of another year, and the beginnings of a new year. It is also the time for rejoicing, and reflecting. This year, Rosh Hashanah begins on 2nd October until the 4th. The Challah, which is a traditional bread, is made and eaten during this time of year, because it symbolizes the eternal cycle of life. The bread is round, and is traditionally dipped in honey, symbolizing the hopes for a sweet New Year. The same is done with apples, which are made even sweeter with the addition of honey. Happy Rosh Hashanah to those who are celebrating!
Selina from St John's Church visited to deliver a whole school assembly about Harvest. Thank you, Selina!
Summer Term 2024
We have got another wonderful term of learning ahead of us this summer term. We will continue to explore interesting enquiry questions throughout the school, such as 'What does it mean to belong to a faith community?', 'What do Christians learn from the Creation Story?' and 'What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?'
Year 5 are currently exploring the unit 'What matters most to Humanists and Christians?'. Here is some of their regarding rules and codes for living to help in the world .
Eid Al-Adha - Our classes have started to learn all about Eid Al-Adha. Here are some activities that they have completed!
Eid Al-Adha - This year, the Muslim festival Eid Al-Adha begins on the evening of Sunday 16th June and will end on the evening of Thursday 20th June. Eid Al-Adha is celebrated on the tenth day of Dhul-Hijjah (the twelfth and final month of the Islamic lunar calendar) and is considered to be one of the holiest festivals in the Islamic calendar. We wish those who are celebrating a happy Eid!
Year 3 have started their unit 'How and why do people try to make the world a better place?'. This unit covers religious (Christian, Muslim and Jewish) and non-religious worldviews. In this piece of work, the children had to take a version of the 'Golden Rule' that they think would make a good positive change and create a poster to share it with others, explaining how if people followed this rule, then the world would change.
Shavuot - In 2024, Shavuot begins at sunset on Tuesday 11th June and ends at sundown on Thursday 13th June. Shavuot is a two-day holiday celebrated by Jewish people. During Shavuot, Jewish people spend a lot of their time praying as well as learning the Torah. At home, people celebrate by lighting candles and taking time away from work. A lot of the other rituals centre around being at the synagogue. Happy Shavuot!
Year 1 have started their unit 'How should we care for the world and others, and why does it matter?' They discussed and wrote down what makes them special and unique.
Ascension Day - This year, Ascension Day falls on the 9th May. The 40th day after Easter was the final day when Jesus was seen. On this day, he visited his disciples. This day, in which he was taken to heaven, is called Ascension Day. The day is also known as the Feast of Ascension or Holy Thursday, as it always falls on this day of the week.
Spring Term 2024
Happy New Year and welcome back to another exciting term of wonderful learning. We will continue to explore interesting enquiry questions throughout the school, such as 'What is Easter?, 'Does praying at regular intervals help a Muslim in his/her everyday life?' and 'Are Sikh stories important today?'. We also have many upcoming Religious events to look forward to, including World Religion Day, Chinese New Year, Ramadan, Holi and Easter.
Homerswood Easter Service 2024
Holi Festival - Holi Festival is an ancient Hindu festival that takes place at the beginning of Spring. This year, the festival is celebrated on the 25th March. The festival celebrates new life and the triumph of good over evil and is also known as 'The Festival of Colours'. Holi is a colourful festival. During the Holi festival celebrations, people take to the streets and playfully chase each other, covering each other in colourful dried paint and coloured water.
Year 2 have been retelling the main events in the Easter Story.
Year 1 have been learning all about Shabbat. Here they are enjoying trying Challah bread made by a member of our school community. It was delicious!
Ramadan - This year, the holy month of Ramadan is expected to begin on Monday 11th March 2024. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Muslims fast between sunrise and sunset every day. Fasting means not eating or drinking during daylight hours. Fasting during Ramadan is the fourth pillar of Islam. There are five pillars, which help guide Muslims when putting their faith into action. Ramadan is called the month of the Qur'an.
Shrove Tuesday - Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent starts and the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. It’s a day to say a sorry prayer to God before Lent. It is also a day of celebration as the last chance to feast before Lent begins. Shrove Tuesday is also sometimes called Pancake Day. So that no food was wasted, families would have a feast on the Shrove Tuesday, and eat up all the foods that wouldn’t last the forty days of Lent without going off. Pancakes became associated with Shrove Tuesday as they were a dish that could use up all the eggs, fats and milk in the house with just the addition of flour.
Selina visited our school and lead a whole school assembly about friendship and the story of 'The Good Samaritan'. Thank you again, Selina!
World Religion Day - 21st January 2024 - It's aim is to promote understanding and peace between all six major religions, encouraging people to learn about other faiths and their followers. Here is some work from across the school to celebrate this special day!
Autumn Term 2023
We are excited to welcome you all back to another school year! This Autumn term, we will be continuing our Discovery RE scheme of learning and focusing on Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Islam. Each class will also have an enquiry question such as 'What makes people special?' and 'Is it possible for everyone to be happy?' These can be found in the 'Long Term Plan' document. We are also looking forward to our annual, whole school visit to church to celebrate Harvest, as well as other special events this year. Keep up to date with our whole school RE learning and experiences on this page.
Year 2 visited St John's church to make Christingles and write Christmas wishes
Our annual Christmas Carol service at St John's Church
Christmas Carol Service Running Order 2023
Father Rob lead a lovely whole school assembly about Advent - Thank you!
Selina visited us to lead a wonderful assembly about overcoming fears. She focused on the story 'An Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'
A collection of recent Religious Education work across the school
A wonderful Harvest Festival celebration at the church.
Harvest Festival Running Order 2023
Selina visited us and lead a whole school assembly about Harvest. Thank you, Selina!
Year 2 have been exploring how to be kind and how to show love during their RE learning this week.
Summer Term 2023
In summer term, each class continues to focus on two enquiry questions from Discovery RE relating to Christianity and for some another religion such as Islam, Buddhism, Judaism or Sikhism.
Year 6 visited St John’s Church to celebrate their final week at Homerswood and reflect on their memories. Thank you Selina!
Year 2 have been exploring Islam a with their enquiry: Does a Hajj make a Muslim a better person?
We were very lucky to have Selina in for our assembly today explaining about journeys people will make and things they will need. She led a blessing for us all for our health, safety and joy as we move towards the summer holidays.
The Hajj
One of the five pillars of Islam, the Hajj, is one of the largest gatherings in the world! It began last night and many Muslims from around the world make the journey to Mecca.
Some work from across the school from RE lessons this term!
Year 6 have been exploring how a Muslim can lead a good life, revising the 5 pillars of Islam and the meaning of Jihad.
We had a visit from Father Rob for our assembly this week in order to explain some more details to allow us to become more knowledgeable about the King's Coronation. He described the dove at the top of the sceptre and the cross on the orb King Charles will be given within the ceremony as well as much more.

Spring Term 2023
Welcome back to Spring term, where we have another exciting term of learning ahead. We have celebrations such as World Religion Day, Multi-faith week and Easter this term; we have many interesting enquiries from Nursery to Year 6 such as What makes people special? Could the Buddha’s teachings make the world a better place? And Is anything ever eternal?
A wonderful celebration for the Holy Week this year at the Church with the whole school.
Here is our Easter Service for our Church visit on Thursday 30th April 2023.
Ramadan is a very special month that is observed by 1.8 billion Muslims all over the world. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims do not eat or drink from dawn until sunset. This is called fasting. Fasting in Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
Year 2 discussing why Hot Cross Buns are a symbol of Easter and exploring what resurrection means.
Reception have been exploring the season of spring and what it may bring for our environment.
Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day, is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Father Rob visited us all yesterday for our assembly to remind us of the story of Jesus and why some Christians fast for 40 days like Jesus in the desert. Equally, he explained this period can allow us to be still and quiet or to reflect... but also don’t forget those pancakes!
Autumn Term 2022
Welcome back to a new school year. We have come exciting events this half term including the whole school visit to our local church to celebrate Harvest. In classes, we are continuing our Discovery RE questions such as 'does God want Christians to look after the world?' 'does joining the Khalsa make a person a better Sikh?' and 'what is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to God?'
Keep up to date with all of our class activities and events on this page.
Another successful whole school visit to our local church for our Christmas Service with Selina and Father Rob. As always, beautiful singing of the carols and wonderful speakers from across the school.
Year 2 visited St John’s Church for their Christingle service. They also made wishes for the new year and discussed how they could support others.
Year 4 have been discussing the symbolism behind a Christingle and made one of their own!
Reception celebrated the festival of Diwali by creating and painting their own diva lamps for the Festival of Lights.
Year 1 have been reflecting on the creation story in their RE this week: ensuring their learning is sticky from creating their own wheels!
Congratulations Father Rob, or Canon Rob, for being chosen as an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban. How fantastic for himself and our community.
We celebrated a wonderful Harvest festival with the whole school at St John’s Church. The children sang beautiful, reflected on creation and things we are thankful for and families donated generously to support local food banks.
Rosh Hashanah is the celebration of the completion of another year, and the beginnings of the new year in the Jewish calendar. It is a time of rejoicing and reflecting. The Challah (traditional bread) is made and eaten, alongside apples and honey.
Summer 2022
Welcome back to Summer term at Homerswood! Following on from a fantastic Easter celebration whereby the whole school sang and performed whilst understanding the meaning of Easter at the Church together.
This half term across the school we have some interesting key questions such as ‘Does going to a Mosque give Muslims a sense of belonging?’, ‘What is the best way for a Buddhist to lead a good life?’ and ‘Do beliefs in Karma, Samsara and Moksha help Hindus lead good lives?’.
Look out for the regular updates of the learning in RE across the school.
Eid Al-Adha is celebrated on the tenth day of Dhul-Hijjah (the twelfth and final month of the Islamic lunar calendar) and is considered to be one of the holiest festivals in the Islamic calendar. Eid Al-Adha is also known as the 'Festival of Sacrifice' and commemorates Allah's test of the Prophet Ibrahim's (Peace Be Upon Him) devotion.
Year 3 making Coconut Barfi for Bandi Chhor Divas (Prisoner Release Day) celebrating Sikhism.
We were very excited today to listen to a whole school assembly from Father Rob! He told us all about his recent learning in Manchester as well as about the Easter ceremony at St Johns Digswell Church before Easter Sunday and the 6 weeks Easter lasts for until the end of May.
Spring 2022
Welcome back to a new term at Homerswood. We am very much looking forward to seeing a new set of Religious Education questions including ‘Does praying regularly help Muslims everyday?’, ‘Could the Buddha’s teachings make the world a better place?’ or ‘Is anything ever eternal in Christianity?’.
Alongside our RE owls we can enquire into our questions to deletion our curiosity and knowledge into each Religion.
This term we can also look forward to our Easter service and celebrations after half term.
Easter Service at the Church. Proudly, Selina shared: Wonderful, joyous singing by the whole school, then a profoundly moving rendition of Dona Nobis by the Year 6 pupils. All those who read did so beautifully with their heads up and voices strong.
01.03.22 - Shrove Tuesday is an important day in the Christian religion, which takes place the day before Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Shrove Tuesday always falls 47 days before Easter Sunday, so the date varies from year to year and falls between February 3 and March 9. Traditionally, Shrove Tuesday was the last opportunity to use up eggs and fats before embarking on the fast for Lent. Making pancakes is a simple and tasty way to use up all of these ingredients!
Year 3 enjoyed some bread and blackcurrant to introduce them to their new topic by understanding the Easter story and the Last Supper. Their big question is: What is ‘good’ about Good Friday?
Here are Year 5 Sikh bowls made from clay.
World Religion Day is celebrated every January on the third Sunday of the month. ‘Its aim is to promote understanding and peace between all religions, encouraging people to learn about other faiths and their followers’. Whether you are attending a special event, listening to a faith leader or learning more about the world’s six major religions, take this opportunity to understand more about our world!
06.01.22 - the Christian festival of Epiphany, which celebrates the visit of the Wise Men to Jesus. This is sometimes called the Three Kings’ Day. We discussed the meaning of this celebration in our whole school Assembly this week.
Autumn 2021
Welcome back to our new school year, I'm sure you're all excited for the new learning ahead. In classes, we are starting the year with learning about Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Sikhism and asking questions such as, is it possible to be kind to everyone all of the time? Each class has an enquiry question on which they will focus their learning on, so be sure to ask the children what they are and interact with the learning at home. We are lucky enough to have our first Church visit this half term to celebrate Harvest. Make sure you keep an eye out for updates, photos and more information throughout the year.
What wonderful Nativities from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 this Christmas. A big well done to all of the children, parents and staff for their support.
Year 2 celebrated Christmas with an amazing Christingle service with Selena!
Happy Hanukkah! Hanukkah is a holiday in the Jewish calendar, also referred to as the Feast or Festival of Lights. It is a celebration of their defeat over the Greeks over 2000 years ago to be able to practise their religion freely.
Interfaith week - across the school it has been wonderful to see the celebrations and appreciation for the different religions and communities within the UK.
Votes for Schools this week are focusing on the topic of Interfaith Week. This is a week intended to celebrate the UK’s religious diversity and to strengthen ties between communities of different faiths and religious beliefs.
The Reception Class enjoyed their trip to St John’s Church this week - they even have a Church role play area within their classroom now!
The children in nursery were creating their own Rangoli patterns and mark making in coloured sand.
Diwali - A wonderful celebration across the school for the five day festival Diwali. The festival of light is celebrated by many religions, including Hinduism and Sikhism, across the world.
Just some of the great RE work across the school from this half-term
30.09.21 - Whole school Harvest Festival at the Church! Big thank you to all the families who came to support and for your generosity for your donations. The teachers and children were amazing.
Have a look at our Harvest Festival Service ready for Thursday 30th September at 9:30am at the Church!
Great to see each class getting started with their first Discovery RE enquiry questions this half term!
Today we enjoyed a whole school assembly discussing and celebrating the Jewish Festival of Yom Kippur. This is the Jewish day of Atonement (making up for something you have done wrong by asking for forgiveness from God.)
It is regarded the holiest day of the year for Jewish people. In order to seek forgiveness, people will: reflect on their wrongdoing; pray; use the Torah for guidance; and give to charity. On this special day, Jewish people will fast, not bath or wash, not wear leather shoes and not wear any perfumes - making the body feel uncomfortable but bearable to feel pain as well as others.
In the assembly, we discussed things we may be apologetic for or when we say ‘sorry’ and how we may show we truly mean it.
2021 - Easter at Homerswood. Father Rob held assemblies with the different year group bubbles. He was really impressed with the children's knowledge of the Easter story.
Nativity Assemblies at Homerswood
Year 3 welcomed Maryam, a Muslim faith visitor, to their class.
On Wednesday 12th December Year 2 went to St John's Church to make Christingles and hang Christmas wishes on the tree.
On Tuesday 20th March, Year 6 visited St John's Church to learn all about The Stations Of The Cross.
On Wednesday 15th March Homerswood School welcomed Father Rob from St. John's Church.
On the 7th March Homerswood School welcomed the Saltmine Theatre group who performed a play called the Secret Angel. Following the performance years 5 and 6 participated in a workshop focusing on Christian beliefs and stories from the bible.
Year 5 Trip to the Synagogue
On Tuesday 19th July, Year 5 visited the Synagogue in Welwyn Garden City. They all enjoyed learning about Judaism.
The Servant Queen
On Thursday 23rd June Selina Evans and two parishioners (Mary and Katie) from St John's Church visited Homerswood School.
Selina talked to the children during assembly and told them stories about Queen Elizabeth II. Each child was given a booklet called "The Servant Queen" which celebrated the Queen's 90th birthday.
Year 2 visited St John's Church on Friday 13th February. They had fun observing the interesting artefacts and ringing the bells.