Welcome to the Autumn Term 2024-2025
Home Page


Primary and Nursery School

β€˜A pathway to grow, be curious and discover’


Impact Statements

The Curriculum

IN COMPUTING AT HOMERSWOOD, we strive to prepare all of our pupils for an ever-changing and developing digital world by giving them opportunities to practise the skills and characteristics needed to become masters of technology. Our Homerswood Values and Golden Threads are intertwined within our Computing Curriculum of ‘digital literacy’, ‘computer science’ and ‘information technology’ where knowledge and skills are modelled and taught.


Pupils have a natural curiosity for technology that is nurtured at Homerswood, along with resilience, problem-solving and opportunities to collaborate with others. It is imperative that our pupils understand the positive and negative effects that using technology has on individuals, local communities, national communities and the wider world and how they can play their part in this.


For the full document on how Computing is taught at Homerswood School, including the Intent, Implementation and Impact, please read the document below. 



Autumn Term 2023


Google and Google Classroom is our platform for learning at Homerswood, which makes collaborating between learning in school and learning at home more synchronised. If you have any problems accessing Google, please ask your class teacher in the first instance so we can rectify it for you. 


This Autumn Term, keeping safe on the Internet remains one of our top priorities. The topic of Internet Safety is continually developing and children will encounter different risks as they explore the online environment both at school and at home. This vital unit will enable children to be as prepared as possible with the latest understanding and technology and aid in understanding how their own mental health is affected by technology and the Internet. 


Children will also spend some time exploring Google applications and using Chromebooks effectively in the classroom. They will learn many shortcuts and functions of Google in documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Children will create some fun files to boot.


Finally, the other important aspect we are learning this term is 'Coding'. Purple Mash is helping us do this in class and your child may wish to practise these skills at home too (perhaps show off their knowledge a little too πŸ˜‰). 




Spring Term 2024



This term, pupils across all year groups have been exploring Information Technology. This means, that they have been learning how to use spreadsheets, word processing tools, databases, slideshows design programs and many more. These tools provide great opportunities to experience cross-curricular learning in all areas of the curriculum. Whether that may be using spreadsheets to support our maths, explaining our learning through creating a slideshow or creating a 3D plan for a model in Design Technology. The functions of IT can be used for (almost) anything. 


Pupils have also been tackling the ever-developing world of coding. Whether you love it or hate it, coding is a core element of the Computing Curriculum. Our Purple Mash platform allows us to explore coding in a guided, safe and accessible way. Whilst we are coding we are learning many other important skills that will help us throughout our education and career, such as collaboration, communication, problem-solving and perseverance. 


Take a look at some of our work below. 

Year 6 work

Year 5 work

Year 4 work

Year 3 work

Year 2 Work

Using the Internet Safely


Pupils across Key Stages 1 and 2 are aware of the need to keep safe whilst they are online and this is regularly revisited throughout their topics and the year. 


Our parents can support this by learning the best ways to keep our children safe online. Take a look at these websites to understand more about the World Wide Web, apps and social media and its dangers. 


Parents' resources


Children's resources

There are some great interactive resources for children too - check these out! 


