Welcome to the Autumn Term 2024-2025
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Primary and Nursery School

‘A pathway to grow, be curious and discover’

Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

Autumn Term 2024


Homerswood continue to use the Jigsaw scheme of work. The first half term, we will be covering the Being Me in My World unit. Children will think about being part of a class, rights and responsibilities and identifying goals. After half term, we will cover the Celebrating Me unit which covers different relationships, bullying, stereotypes and celebrating differences. 

In the Votes for Schools assembly, the question was asked "does your school do enough to deal with bullying?" The results are in....

Gathering pupil voice for RSHE across all year groups.

Votes for Schools - the children discussed the question "are you comfortable having a conversation about your mental health?" The results are in....

Paige created a poster to promote Anti-bullying Week.

For Anti-Bullying Week, the question was asked "does your school do enough to deal with bullying?" The results from the Votes for Schools assembly are in....

Being Me in My World - Year 6 have been helping Reception a lot this term. They helped the children at lunchtime and they read with Reception every week.

Year 6 took part in the Young Hearts Healthy Relationships programme. They discussed different relationships both in person and online and identified different scenarios that were right and wrong.

Year 1 have been learning about how to keep ourselves healthy. They worked in small groups to sort objects by category.

Healthy Me - Year 2 have been learning about healthy food and (some) enjoyed trying healthy houmous with carrots and breadsticks!

All year groups enjoyed a wellbeing and kindness workshop.

Year 2 created imaginary birds for their Garden of Dreams and Goals.

Relationships - we have celebrated Pride Month both in class and in our Votes for Schools assemblies.

Healthy Me - Nursery have been learning about the different ways to keep their teeth clean and healthy

Year 4 worked together in small groups to achieve an end goal. They designed and then created their own Mr Potato Head to enter a class competition.

Year 5 completed a group activity where they had to make the tallest tower with only 10 sheets of paper and some tape. They then reflected on which role they had in their team and how they might tackle the challenge differently if they did it again.

Relationships - Year 4 were thinking about special people in their lives, why they are special and how they can express this to them.

Dreams and Goals - Year 5 have been learning about different jobs and careers and what salaries they earn. They then discussed what their dream job would be and how they can achieve this.

Votes for Schools assemblies supports RSHE - each week topics are discussed that affect the children and through activities and discussion, they can express their views and opinions.
