Welcome to the Autumn Term 2024-2025
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Primary and Nursery School

‘A pathway to grow, be curious and discover’

Art and Design

Impact Statements

Autumn Term 2024

Welcome back Homerswood! Enjoy browsing through some of the fantastic art work Homerswood students have created. 

Our new Art Club have been creating observational drawings and watercolours of flowers.

Summer Term 2024

Welcome back to Summer Term everyone! Spend some time exploring this page to see all the amazing art work we have been creating at Homerswood. 

Year 6 have been making memory boxes in preparation for leaving Homerswood using mixed media. Great work Year 6!

Year 5 have created some beautiful line drawn self portraits. They added poetry to their self portraits using tracing paper.

Year 1 have been exploring colour mixing this week. Here they are mixing their primary colours to create secondary colours.

Spring Term 2024

Welcome back to Spring Term everyone! Spend some time exploring this page to see all the amazing art work we have been creating at Homerswood. 

During our Votes for Schools assembly, students discussed museums and galleries. Their vote topic was 'Should artefacts be returned to where they were taken from?'.

Thank you to Year 6 for showing their art work they are most proud of during pupil voice.

Year 2 have been experimenting with colour mixing in their Art lessons. Great work year 2!

Autumn Term 2023

Welcome back to Summer Term everyone! Spend some time exploring this page to see all the amazing art work we have been creating at Homerswood. 

Nursery have been painting Autumn trees using cotton buds, drawing their families and using mashers to create patterns in Autumn colours.

Year 1 created their own printing blocks out of Lego and used them to paint with primary colours.

Here are Year 5's reduced scale art galleries in the style of installation artist Cai Guo Qiang.

Year 5 had an amazing trip to the Tate art gallery. They were able to consolidate and extend their art knowledge.

We continue to celebrate the range of Art work taking place across the school.

Year 3 loved exploring tie-dye with some amazing results! 20/06/22

Amanda Morall the Art teacher from Sherrardswood School came to judge our Art work which we completed during Art week. 15/06/22

We loved celebrating Art week with a range of activities and techniques.

Year 5 have been developing a range of techniques and styles during their Art lessons.

Exploring Pre Historic art in lower Key Stage Two. 4/3/22

Year One have been exploring the meaning of "texture" and adding various materials to create this effect. 31/1/22

Reception have been exploring different art techniques to create their Humpty Dumpty pictures. 17/1/22

Autumn 2021

Art learning is well underway in classes and the children are enjoying exploring and developing their art skills and researching a variety of artists. This term, through a spiral curriculum, the children will be practising formal elements of art and design (Shape, line colour, texture, pattern, tone) to develop full appreciation for the subject and its form.

Remember to check here regularly to see exciting art updates and photos of work from across the school!

Year 2 creating firework paintings and decorating breadsticks to make edible fireworks

Year 6 have been working on emotions and feeling through art and were inspired by the artist Kathe Kollwitz. They used charcoal to draw a portrait of a person thinking carefully about what the facial features should look like for different emotions. A variety of vocabulary was used and the children explored the art skills of shading and smudging.

Year 2 have been painting concentric circles in the style of the artist Clarice Cliff

Year 5 have been working on collages using sweet and chocolate packaging as inspiration. They have worked hard on this and the results are fantastic!

Sokari Douglas Camp is a Nigerian artist who is famous or her sculptures. Her work is predominantly sculptured in steel. She takes a lot of inspiration or her work from her Nigerian heritage and culture. We were inspired by her work 'The World is Now Richer' which was made as a tribute to people who lived their lives as slaves. She shared the important message: 'We were brave, we were strong and we survived'. We created our own pieces of Art work in the same style. We thought of a word to describe an attribute that the consider to be important.

Reception have been using natural materials to make leaf pictures of people. Very creative!

Each class have created a display to represent their class artist.

Nursery-Salvador Dali

Reception- Claude Monet

Year 1- Henri Matiisse

Year 2- Banksy

Year 3- Bridget Riley

Year 4 - L.S Lowry

Year 5 - Andy Goldsworthy

Year v6 - David Hockney


Class Artists

The Royal Mail competition entries.

Year 2 have been studying the human form. Look at their amazing Art work. Did you guess who was who?

Knitting club

The Wheat Quarter Art Competition entries. The children have been invited to participate in an exciting art project to create designs to decorate the hoardings near the old Shredded Wheat factory in W.G.C. The theme of the project is Work, Live and Play.

The children at Art Club decorated watering cans and made flowers.

School Gallery work

The Big Draw - Year 3 and 4

Art Gallery Spring - Choose a character from a book to draw, paint or sculpt.

FUDGE Morning. Look at this fabulous Art work from our very creative dads.

Winter Wonderland gallery pictures

Haileybury Prep and  Primary Schools' Festial of Arts competition 2015.


We are delighted to announce that the two winners of the competition were Louie Woodgate yr4 and Jamie Mills yr6. The two runners-up were Aadya Rajesh yr3 and Ana Barron yr6. These children have been invited to attend  the award ceremony at Haileybury School on the 6th of June.

All entries will be on display to the general public on Thursday 4th June and Friday 5th June between 2.00 and 4.00pm.

See the wonderful entries from Homerswood below.

Competition entries
